A Big Success Secret: Self-Motivation Quotes

Autosuggestion is one of the most astounding secrets of
self-motivation and personal development in general. It is the
simple act of repeating statements and affirmations relating to
your goals. Many philosophers have written on this subject and a
key authority on this subject is Emile Coue who used it as a
form of treating patients and it worked well in curing diseases.
One popular affirmation of Coue is: "Everyday, in everyway, I am
getting better and better. "You could develop a similar
self-motivation quote around the foregoing affirmation.

Now what can autosuggestion do for you? First you have to
believe that the technique works. Indeed this method has been
used by countless success stories in different fields of human
endeavor. Orison Swett Marden testified to the authenticity of
this technique when he said that the reading and re-reading of a
single volume has been the making of many a man. Look for some
quotes or better still develop some affirmations
for yourself and use them as often as you can. Motivational
speaker, author and psychologist Denis Wailey has recommended a
few which he uses himself including the following:

– I am a good valuable and worthy person

– I control my thoughts emotions and actions and direct them to
improve my health, my relationships, my performance and my life

– Regardless of what happens in my life I've decided to be happy

You can use this method to kick start your own self motivation.
Let's start it Now!

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