Does WhatsApp share your contacts with Facebook?

WhatsApp is a messaging application that is widely used all across the world. And it is considered the most secured messaging application because of its end to end conversation encryption.

The end-to-end encryption means the messages or calls that you made with your contacts will not be read or listen to by any other person, not even WhatsApp itself.

But the controversy starts on January 04, 2021 when WhatsApp made the change in it’s privacy policy.

Also Read: The changed privacy policy of WhatsApp

The latest WhatsApp policy update is criticized in many terms like; WhatsApp shares your personal information, location, contacts, and other pieces of information to Facebook, and some said that policy is discriminatory.

So many senators have appealed to take back its policy, which is not appropriate in the aspect of the security of personal information.

In response of that WhatsApp on January 17, 2021 updated an status saying we are committed to your privacy.

WhatsApp further added:

  • “WhatsApp can’t read or listen your conversations as they are end-to-end encrypted”
  • “WhatsApp can’t see your shared location”
  • “WhatsApp doesn’t share your contacts with Facebook.”

This is from the WhatsApp side but more important is your opinion so comment below your opinion on this issue.

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