Explore Teaching in China As a Lucrative Profession

Are you looking for opportunities to teach English in a non-English speaking country? Then you may think of considering China as a possibility. You will not only earn handsome pay packages but at the same time you will end up learning a new language Mandarin as well. There are endless opportunities in this field as China has established itself as one of the leading nations in the commercial world. So to deal with people globally, it is necessary to embrace this language as this is the standard global language.

Summary of school
Seven English School is established in the month of August 2008. This is a training institute for teaching in China for students ranging from five to fourteen years of age.

• Present capacity
The school has a current capacity of three hundred students. The total campus area is around 400 square meters.

• Teachers with excellent credentials
There are ten teachers in a full-time capacity with proper certifications such as TEM 8, National Public Test and College Entrance Examination.

• Introduction of series of new courses
To develop interest among the students for this language, a series of classes such as "Phonics," "We enjoy English" and "New concept" is incorporated.

Infrastructure of school
This school is situated in the province of Hebei in a city called Langfang. The city of Langfang is positioned between two prominent cities of Beijing and Tianjin.

• Gaining its foothold
In the month of December, they went for a merger with Ladder English School. After that, it had built its reputation as prominent teaching English in China training center in this region.

• Multiple contests
Relationship with CCTV Student Channel is established in 2014. This institution organizes numerous events and shows to give exposure to local students so that they can participate in the Oral and Spelling contest, National TV English contest. The three top ranking contestants in these contests represent as regional competitors and compete in the finals at CCTV.

Quality teaching
This school has attached a lot of importance to quality education. It has is focused on the primary objective of improving the comprehensive skills of students and developing an in-depth knowledge of that subject.

• Development of teaching products
The school is concentrating on the propagation of teaching ideas, development of various teaching products and providing high-quality teaching services to the entire community.

• Scope for further education
The institution is always striving to provide ample opportunities for further development of students.

• Developing as a base
The idea of ​​the institute is to set up a place where the children are taken care of along with their families. A comprehensive English environment will be created where everyone involved can communicate and express their feelings in English naturally and fluently.

Aims and objectives
Learning should be a fun and enjoyable journey for children so that they develop self-esteem and confidence within themselves. The vision of the school is to work together and build a community full of individuals who are happy and secure. The children are motivated to learn new concepts in this fully charged environment and to work up their full potential.

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