Relationship Tips for Men – How to Keep Your Woman Happy

Attracting the woman of your dreams requires hard work and keeping her is even more difficult so in order to make your woman happy, you need some effective relationship tips for men. In reality, beautiful ladies have a lot of options. If you are not keen enough to know what she wants and needs, she might search for someone else who can provide her needs.

Keeping a girl happy and in love with you take constant hard work and effort. It is all about keeping that magic alive. The following relationship for men can help you maintain a healthy and happy relationship with your girl.

Take your lady out to dinner with your friends

In reality, she would love to meet your friends and be with you when you go out with them. This is also a good time to let her know that you and your friends are into clean fun.


Being a man does not mean that you don't have to listen to her problems. If your girlfriend has said something about your attitude or behavior that she doesn't like, make sure to listen to her and change it right away. In addition, if she's having troubles in her work or her family, it is important to be there and listen to her. Remember that being a boyfriend is not limited to having wonderful and passionate times together – it also gives you the responsibility to take care of your girl.

Don't lie, period

It is hard, no doubt about it. However, one of the most important relationship tips for men is to learn how to be honest. Even little white lies can turn into a nightmare if you keep on doing them. This is especially true if you have the same circle of friends. Make it a point to be honest in everything that you do or say.

Cook for her

If you don't know how to cook, make an effort to learn. You don't need to be a chef, what she wants is to feel that you care. Instead of taking her out to dinner or ordering your favorite fast food, why not cook something nice for her? She will surely be touched and impressed by the effort.

Return the favor

If she cooks for you, kindly wash the dishes. If she's willing to sacrifice her holidays just to be with you, do the same thing. These days, men should know how to return the favor – especially if they don't want to lose their lovers.

Treat her like a lady

Give her your jacket if she feels cold, open doors for your girl, pull the chair for her, or hold her hands when you cross the street. These are simple gestures but they mean a lot to her. Be a man whenever you are with your girl.

Never take your girl for granted

Remember that anytime, your girl could leave you so make sure to work harder to keep her happy. There may be times when you hurt her unintentionally so make sure not to do the same mistake twice. Putting her on top of your matters is one of the relationship tips for men that you should remember. Don't choose a football game or your friend's party over her.

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