The Rules Of Obeying Traffic Laws

It is an accepted knowledge that all the drivers should avoid a collision with other vehicles and pedestrians. Breaking of these rules will lead to one being fined or prosecuted in a court of law. For a driver to respect the rules of the road, he must know the basic traffic rules that are applied in the country or state.

One must always pay more attention to the traffic signs. It is important to follow the signs as failure can lead to one being fined. Since every country and state has its own set of road rules, one should always familiarize himself with this set of road rules before driving. This calls for one to know if he should keep to the left or to the right side of the road as this differs in many countries. He should also respect the direction of travel and the specific places where turning and overtaking other cars is allowed.

People driving should at all times give way to special vehicles such as ambulances, school buses, fire trucks, funeral vehicles and any emergency vehicle on the road. The car should also be in a roadworthy state. This means that it does not have windshields that have cracked, exhaust systems that is in poor state, exterior lights that are broken or missing.

One should ensure that the car he is driving is fully registered by it having a registration plate, has insurance and also there is a driving license available at any time if needed. It is advisable that one should not be on the phone while driving as this predisposes the driver, the passengers and pedestrians to danger due to accidents that might occur.

Drivers should respect and follow the traffic lights to avoid accidents, this means that a driver should not cross red light. All the road users should often observe the right of way on the roads. This means that drivers should know who should enter an intersection first and how depending on the lane he is on. Respecting this right of use means others use that part of the road while others wait for their turn. This works to avoid collisions and accidents on the road.

It is a rule of obeying laws that all the passengers in a motor vehicle should wear safety belts for the entire duration of the trip. Whether short distance or long distance, the seat belt should ale=ways be on. One should not speed on a road if the sign indicates certain speed limit. One should not exceed the speed limit of that particular section of the road he is on, neither should he slow down or reduce speed to unaccepted limit disrupting other motorists. Drivers should know how to appropriately change lanes as this

The driver should learn and know all the signs on the road and this makes it easier for him to observe and interpret this signs. These may be warning signs, priority signs or prohibitory signs. Police officers can also stand on the roads to give instructions which all road users must adhere to. This may include; busy crossing areas that have no traffic lights, around an area where road construction is taking place, where an accident has occurred or where there are other road disruptions.

In populated areas, pedestrians crossings are often common to indicate that at these sections, pedestrians have more priority than the vehicles. Hence all the vehicles are expected to slow down or stop on these crossings. There are rules on overtaking that all road users should be familiar with when one is obeying these laws.

It is not advisable to overtake on corners and sharp bends or on the wrong side of the road as this may lead to accidents with the oncoming vehicle. The overtaking driver should also signal to the driver behind him that he wants to overtake. When a driver wants to leave his part of the road and exit into another road, should make sure that the blinkers or the directional signals are on to alert other users of his intentions to turn.

This may cause other drivers to slow down causing disruptions in traffic flow. This has led to the provision of extra lanes for drivers who want to turn. Turning traffic is usually expected to drive in the lane that is close to the road they want to turn. At busy intersections, turning is generally prohibited. Obeying traffic laws is one thing all road users must do to ensure their safety and that of others.

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